A way to run ….. Child Care & Development

Child Development is a worldwide confusion & most thinking subject of all parents, schools and child care institutions. We, all parents believes that after giving a schooling education, new & costly clothes, games & outings, our duties are over and we have done all the things, to which the parent have to do. We are fully satisfied after this all things and assume that we have done a lot of growth and extra ordinary care for our children. When a small child is crying and if we are working or talking with someone, generally, we gives our mobile or I-pad to our child and when he/she is playing various games or calling his Papa from mobile, we becomes very happy and saying to all that, wow, my child is a well developed child. When our children demands something, we are trying to fulfill their demand within no time and being happy for that, we have done some very good things for our children.

         When exams comes, we are forcing and forcing to our children to learn more and become a toper in class & school, because we always wants to make our child, a doctor, a engineer or a pilot only. Not bad, but is it true and sufficient for our child…? Have we tried to know any time, the inborn capabilities of our child..? Have any parents make a wish to become their child, a man in true sense, with the quality of mankind and a real human being..? Answer would be NO, always from 90% parents.

        Today, we are living in 21st Century and blindly follow western culture. We always wish that our child of five years speak the English poems towards our friends and family, but we have never wish, that our child speaks SANSKRIT SHLOK. Because, we don’t know that Sanskrit is only language which can improve the mind power and remembrance of our children. We are not aware about this, when we forgive the mischief of five years child once, it will be most trouble full in the back end of his life. Our religions have asked us that, however we will turn the child in their childhood; his/her growth of coming years will be depending on that only. For that only, in back years of our culture, the study of small child was only developed by our SAGES only in their ASHRAMS and there was no personal choice of child in that time. In Sanskrit, there is proverb, “By the more facility, student can’t have education”.

So, what is actual child development, as per our science..? Developing the physical, psychological, emotional and social status is the real developing of children. We have to care for all four things towards the children. We, the parents know only that, being a doctor or engineer and income part should be hi-fi that is a real growth of child. We never want to move towards the SACRAMENT part of our child, actually we wants that, but we wish that it will come automatically, which never happens at all.

      Father and mother is the main base of a child. They only can develop their child in all ways of life. We wants that our child becomes like Shivaji or Bajirao, but for that, mother should become Jijabai and Radhabai. Without personal attachment and personal care, without a base of religion, we will not being success to make our child, a real human being. When child will become a real human being, all other things will come automatically.

We have to move our children towards, physical activities as well as physiological activities also. Mind can become powerful only when all type of activities is happening with our child. We have answered all the questions of our child in right way, always. It will bring positive thoughts in our children. We have always made routine to hear NO, to our children. Television, Mobile,  I-pad and Video games are big enemies of growing children. Fast food and hotel food is always like a poison to child. We have to try that our children eat only healthy and fresh homemade food, always.

In last, there is no alternate of personal care and religion oath & believes. Be sure, our child becomes a real meaning human being…! Development will be always there.

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